Showing posts with label Electric Shock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electric Shock. Show all posts

Friday, September 14, 2012

Electrical Safety

  • Every year in India tens of thousands of people are killed or injured from contact with electricity
  • Some of these people are young Children
  • The more you know about how electricity works, the better you can keep yourself, your friends, and your family safe!

Facts About Electric Shock:

Electricity is always trying to get to the ground. Like all good travelers, electricity takes shortcuts whenever it can. If something that conducts electricity gives electricity an easy path to the ground, electricity will take it!

You can never tell when contact with electricity will be fatal, but you can be sure it will always hurt.

Electric shock can cause muscle spasms, weakness, shallow breathing, rapid pulse, severe burns, unconsciousness, or death.

In a shock incident, the path that electric current takes through the body gets very hot. Burns occur all along that path, including the places on the skin where the current enters and leaves the body.

It's not only giant power lines that can kill or injure you if you contact them. You can also be killed by a shock from an appliance or power cord in your home.